Inquiring about the "normal" penis...

what is your penis size

  • 4-5 inches

    Votes: 25 6.1%
  • 5-6 inches

    Votes: 109 26.4%
  • 6-7 inches

    Votes: 146 35.4%
  • 7-8 inches

    Votes: 89 21.5%
  • 8+inches

    Votes: 38 9.2%
  • Less than 4

    Votes: 6 1.5%

  • Total voters
Yes, there has been multiple studies on penis size and every single serious one showed an average between 5 and 5.5.. So with that in mind you're actually above average. I wouldn't say you have a big dick, but you definitely don't have to worry about your size. It truly does it's job if you know how to use it.
CalcSD lists all available medically-measured studies here:

Here's all the BPEL and BPSFL studies grouped by location:
  • East
Hwnag: 4.61" (0.71)

Choi: 4.61" (0.75)

Son: 4.69" (0.51)

Chen: 5.08" (0.51)

Wu: 5.25" (0.44)

Yoon: 5.28" (0.54)

Wu & Yang: 5.32" (0.43)

Park: 5.33" (0.66)

Wu: 5.47" (0.44)

Park: 5.54" (0.59)

Nguyen: 5.75" (0.55)

Overall ~5.2" (0.55)
  • Middle East
Hussein: 4.96" (0.75)

Kamel: 5.08" (0.75)

Awwad: 5.35" (0.67)

Chen: 5.35" (0.67)

Shalaby: 5.45" (0.53)

Soylemez: 5.5" (0.62)

Habous: 5.63" (0.79)

Habous: 5.65" (0.73)

Salama: 5.91" (0.71)

Salama: 5.9" (0.59)

Overall ~5.5" (0.69)
  • West
Acuna: 5.47" (0.67)

Khan: 5.63" (0.66)

Schneider: 5.7" (0.78)

Gabrich: 5.7" (0.63)

Stewart: 5.9" (0.67)

Pereira: 5.96" (0.83)

Wessels: 6.2" (1.03)

Barboza: 6.32" (0.64)

Vasconcelous: 6.54" (0.67)

Bondil: 6.59" (0.9)

Overall: ~6.1 (0.78)

We can see that Eastern studies on average have lower results and variance than Middle Eastern studies, and those have lower averages and variance than Western studies.

1 SD above average - which is about 1 in 6 - would be 5.8" in the East, 6.2" in the Middle East and 6.9" in the West

2 SD above average - which is about 1 in 50 - would be 6.3" in the East, 6.9" in the Middle East and 7.6" in the West

3 SD above average - which is about 1 in 1000 - would be 6.9" in the East, 7.6" in the Middle East and 8.4" in the West

Most of the studies in the West are above 5.5". Only Acuna is lower, but this one was done exclusively on men with ED and counted it as erect enough to get measured at 70% hardness.
There ARE a lot of big men out there. That's the survivorship bias im talking about. Check the men tab and then click the last page. See hoe many average men dont even get a click because they arent big. Not even small. Just not big. It didnt lower the amount of massive dicks you are seeing but its literally a fraction to all the other men you're filting out or not even aware existing.

But you probably didnt even think about them because they literally were off your radar. As people click the sexy models they get pushed closer to the front page. How is that anywhere NEAR not biased?

I don't mean to say any of this to make fun of or belittle youm i sincerely hope that's not the tone that comes off in my posts. But this is very common biases we make all the time and you literally did it without realizing it. It seems reasonable enough but the mere fact of using data on any type of porn site makes results biased because of how they program the site and algorithm to generate more clicks akd views. It's the best example of how survivorship bias works.
I understand how the men section on Chaturbate would have selection bias, or as you term "survivorship bias". People who like men are only going to click on webcam models with big penises. However, I was talking specifically about the couples section on Chaturbate or B/G videos on OnlyFans. There's less likely to be selection bias because a lot of the clicks are for the woman. And if you follow these chaturbate/Onlyfans profiles for awhile, you will notice these women are with the same man/men over and over again. If we are led to believe there is selection bias for bigger dicks, then the women would actively switch partners until the ideally big penis partners are found.
CalcSD lists all available medically-measured studies here:

Here's all the BPEL and BPSFL studies grouped by location:
  • East
Hwnag: 4.61" (0.71)

Choi: 4.61" (0.75)

Son: 4.69" (0.51)

Chen: 5.08" (0.51)

Wu: 5.25" (0.44)

Yoon: 5.28" (0.54)

Wu & Yang: 5.32" (0.43)

Park: 5.33" (0.66)

Wu: 5.47" (0.44)

Park: 5.54" (0.59)

Nguyen: 5.75" (0.55)

Overall ~5.2" (0.55)
  • Middle East
Hussein: 4.96" (0.75)

Kamel: 5.08" (0.75)

Awwad: 5.35" (0.67)

Chen: 5.35" (0.67)

Shalaby: 5.45" (0.53)

Soylemez: 5.5" (0.62)

Habous: 5.63" (0.79)

Habous: 5.65" (0.73)

Salama: 5.91" (0.71)

Salama: 5.9" (0.59)

Overall ~5.5" (0.69)
  • West
Acuna: 5.47" (0.67)

Khan: 5.63" (0.66)

Schneider: 5.7" (0.78)

Gabrich: 5.7" (0.63)

Stewart: 5.9" (0.67)

Pereira: 5.96" (0.83)

Wessels: 6.2" (1.03)

Barboza: 6.32" (0.64)

Vasconcelous: 6.54" (0.67)

Bondil: 6.59" (0.9)

Overall: ~6.1 (0.78)

We can see that Eastern studies on average have lower results and variance than Middle Eastern studies, and those have lower averages and variance than Western studies.

1 SD above average - which is about 1 in 6 - would be 5.8" in the East, 6.2" in the Middle East and 6.9" in the West

2 SD above average - which is about 1 in 50 - would be 6.3" in the East, 6.9" in the Middle East and 7.6" in the West

3 SD above average - which is about 1 in 1000 - would be 6.9" in the East, 7.6" in the Middle East and 8.4" in the West

Most of the studies in the West are above 5.5". Only Acuna is lower, but this one was done exclusively on men with ED and counted it as erect enough to get measured at 70% hardness.
The Reddit member "KnowsPenisesWell" talks about this and says that a lot of these studies are flawed. Some have the problem of using patients with erectile dysfunction. Some studies that measured stretched length don't have the investigator making repeated stretches of the penis before making a measurement. That's why KnowsPenisesWell claims that studies at the higher end are more valid.
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I understand how the men section on Chaturbate would have selection bias, or as you term "survivorship bias". People who like men are only going to click on webcam models with big penises. However, I was talking specifically about the couples section on Chaturbate or B/G videos on OnlyFans. There's less likely to be selection bias because a lot of the clicks are for the woman. And if you follow these chaturbate/Onlyfans profiles for awhile, you will notice these women are with the same man/men over and over again. If we are led to believe there is selection bias for bigger dicks, then the women would actively switch partners until the ideally big penis partners are found.
Sorry I don't quite understand what you mean...

Just to recap before clarification, you're saying that because the couples section has a lot of men who are large, it must be because men are large? But that still has the survivorship bias of men who know they are large are more likely to show off on cam or become a cam/onlyfans model.

Also have to be careful of basic confirmation bias.

Also be careful of actions taken that can cause confirmation bias. For example. You're asking for the sizes of forum users' penises because you feel the average is bigger than whats said. But you are taking datasets from a group on a forun specifically for guys with big penises. You're more likely to want to believe the info that confirms your beliefs and unintentionally sought out info in a way that seems neutral, (just a standard public poll) but the place you put up the poll will drastically alter the data you recieve and is NOT neutral.

A different example would be if I believe the average male height isn't about 5'10" and instead is actually 6'2" and to get insight, I ask for heights of men who are at the local basketball court.
The Reddit member "KnowsPenisesWell" talks about this and says that a lot of these studies are flawed. Some have the problem of using patients with erectile dysfunction. Some studies that measured stretched length don't have the investigator making repeated stretches of the penis before making a measurement. That's why KnowsPenisesWell claims that studies at the higher end are more valid.
Pretty sure that Narz is KnowsPenisesWell.
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These types of threads make my head hurt… dudes arguing over 0.2 of an inch… mines 7inch no girl ever said it’s big.. because it’s not! It’s in the normal range.. it’s average.
And as a counter mine has been called big and im the same size *shrug*. Is your anecdote more valid than mine? Why?
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And as a counter mine has been called big and im the same size *shrug*. Is your anecdote more valid than mine? Why?
Your opinion is totally valid, as is mine and everyone else’s.. was just expressing mine not meaning to close down anyone else’..

it is my belief though that some guys are fixating on something we’ll probably never know the answer to and It’s damaging their mental health..
From my experience of porn and having a decent eye for judging the size of things, the average is probably closer to 5 inches than 5.5 even. I see lots of people, in porn or real life claiming 6 inches, but they look closer to 5 inches when you actually see there dick, so this skews the results.

Lots of people from 3-5.75 inches are claiming 6 inches, because it’s considered acceptable for some reason. Probably because of the Kinsey studies, which where self measured and not completely accurate.

So for me, 5 to 5.25 inches.
I am always amazed and the number of guys who spend time measuring their own cocks and the size of the cocks that fuck them. Sounds like the trollers kit now includes a flashlight, pen, paper and tape measure.
There are more average cocks than big ones.
These types of threads make my head hurt… dudes arguing over 0.2 of an inch… mines 7inch no girl ever said it’s big.. because it’s not! It’s in the normal range.. it’s average.
Your probably measuring wrong then. Or the women you’ve been with have been lucky to only stumble upon 7Inches+ in there love lives. Or they are bad at judging the size of a penis in general, really, which is common, amongst men and women.

A legit 7 inches, even bone pressed, is a big dick. Is it normal? Yes. But then so is 4 inch dick. Doesn’t mean it’s necessarily average.
Your probably measuring wrong then. Or the women you’ve been with have been lucky to only stumble upon 7Inches+ in there love lives. Or they are bad at judging the size of a penis in general, really, which is common, amongst men and women.

A legit 7 inches, even bone pressed, is a big dick. Is it normal? Yes. But then so is 4 inch dick. Doesn’t mean it’s necessarily average.

Agreed. Seven inches is more than 30-something percent larger than average, no matter what study you use as basis.
Also, I'd like to post a study for general consideration. I find it sad that it is never mentioned in these discussions. This is a study in which the researchers use pharmacological induction to bring about erections and they then measure the length. It's done by Osterberg et al. (2014) and is called "Pharmacologically induced erect penile length and stretched penile lengh are both good predictors of post-inflatable prosthesis penile length". It's a little bit confusing wording because I can tell the stretched length was bone-pressed, but I'm not completely sure if the erect length was bone-pressed or not. They find roughly 6 inches for bone-pressed stretched length and 5.6 inches for (BP?) erect length. If it was clear whether the erect length was BP or NBP, that would help a lot. The average pubic fat pad is about an inch so if the BP erect length is 5.6 inches, that means NBP is 4.6 inches- which seems implausible. I'm guessing Osterberg measured NBP erect length and it is 5.6 inches.
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Your probably measuring wrong then. Or the women you’ve been with have been lucky to only stumble upon 7Inches+ in there love lives. Or they are bad at judging the size of a penis in general, really, which is common, amongst men and women.

A legit 7 inches, even bone pressed, is a big dick. Is it normal? Yes. But then so is 4 inch dick. Doesn’t mean it’s necessarily average.
Thanks for the reply and compliment (I think) I have to confess I told a bit of a lie.. one girl has said “it’s sooooo fucking big” and I just thought your an idiot but as she was putting it in her mouth I didn’t say anything, turns out she tells so many lies she can’t keep up with them, which is another story I guess.

measuring wise I’m pretty skinny, soldier and mountain bike racer for 30 yrs, doesn’t really matter bone pressed or not.. unless you wanna argue over 0.1“

was having a beer with a very attractive petite blonde the other day we were talking about height, she was telling me about a guy she’d slept with who was the same height as her 5’1” and he had a 4” dick and she’d had a really good time.. we ended up measuring what she thought was 4”….. she was bang on… my point?i think girls just like something in a useable range and that your good with it…

it’s all just my opinion…
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Also, I'd like to post a study for general consideration. I find it sad that it is never mentioned in these discussions. This is a study in which the researchers use pharmacological induction to bring about erections and they then measure the length. It's done by Osterberg et al. (2014) and is called "Pharmacologically induced erect penile length and stretched penile lengh are both good predictors of post-inflatable prosthesis penile length". It's a little bit confusing wording because I can tell the stretched length was bone-pressed, but I'm not completely sure if the erect length was bone-pressed or not. They find roughly 6 inches for bone-pressed stretched length and 5.6 inches for (BP?) erect length. If it was clear whether the erect length was BP or NBP, that would help a lot. The average pubic fat pad is about an inch so if the BP erect length is 5.6 inches, that means NBP is 4.6 inches- which seems implausible. I'm guessing Osterberg measured NBP erect length and it is 5.6 inches.
Well if 5.6 was in fact measured NBP and the average fat pad is give or take apx 1" that would make around 6.6" BP the average. So 7" BP would be just barely over average and likely not enough to be distinguished from the statistical average. This pretty much aligns with my perception given that mine is 7" BP. It kind of explains why I have actually been rejected for not being big enough .
Thanks for the reply and compliment (I think) I have to confess I told a bit of a lie.. one girl has said “it’s sooooo fucking big” and I just thought your an idiot but as she was putting it in her mouth I didn’t say anything, turns out she tells so many lies she can’t keep up with them, which is another story I guess.

measuring wise I’m pretty skinny, soldier and mountain bike racer for 30 yrs, doesn’t really matter bone pressed or not.. unless you wanna argue over 0.1“

was having a beer with a very attractive petite blonde the other day we were talking about height, she was telling me about a guy she’d slept with who was the same height as her 5’1” and he had a 4” dick and she’d had a really good time.. we ended up measuring what she thought was 4”….. she was bang on… my point?i think girls just like something in a useable range and that your good with it…

it’s all just my opinion…
Uses vary wildly.
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Well if 5.6 was in fact measured NBP and the average fat pad is give or take apx 1" that would make around 6.6" BP the average. So 7" BP would be just barely over average and likely not enough to be distinguished from the statistical average. This pretty much aligns with my perception given that mine is 7" BP. It kind of explains why I have actually been rejected for not being big enough .

I don't think the "average fat pad" is 1". In fact, I think a guy needs to be significantly overweight to have a fat pad that is that thick, and I suspect that those guys are rarely included in penile length studies, for various reasons.
Thanks for the reply and compliment (I think) I have to confess I told a bit of a lie.. one girl has said “it’s sooooo fucking big” and I just thought your an idiot but as she was putting it in her mouth I didn’t say anything, turns out she tells so many lies she can’t keep up with them, which is another story I guess.

measuring wise I’m pretty skinny, soldier and mountain bike racer for 30 yrs, doesn’t really matter bone pressed or not.. unless you wanna argue over 0.1“

was having a beer with a very attractive petite blonde the other day we were talking about height, she was telling me about a guy she’d slept with who was the same height as her 5’1” and he had a 4” dick and she’d had a really good time.. we ended up measuring what she thought was 4”….. she was bang on… my point?i think girls just like something in a useable range and that your good with it…

it’s all just my opinion…
I think women, like gay men, or a transgender person, mostly want something in the useable range. Or certainly something they feel comfortable taking. Not everyone is built to take a big cock, regardless of there gender. Nor are they all queens.

that being said, when it comes to actually judging size, females on average, there usually as way off as men are when it comes to exaggerating and embellishing sizes.

Not your average female or male on LPSG, obviously, but in real life.

4 inches is a little easier to pin point. She could pretty much gauge his size by gripping his dick with her palm. It’s only a inch or so bigger than the average flaccid penis size.
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I'm guessing there are liars in the poll. Using one of the most generous studies on penis length, Vasoconcelos (mean BP stretched (SD)- 6.54 (0.67)), I found 8 inches should be the top 1.5% of the distribution. However, a good 10% of people chose 8+ inches. What's more is that 5-inchers should be only 1 percent, but a good 9% of voters selected "Less than 4 inches" or "4-5 inches". It seems the studies don't capture the variance of the distribution very well. Or ppl are lying?
I'm guessing there are liars in the poll. Using one of the most generous studies on penis length, Vasoconcelos (mean BP stretched (SD)- 6.54 (0.67)), I found 8 inches should be the top 1.5% of the distribution. However, a good 10% of people chose 8+ inches. What's more is that 5-inchers should be only 1 percent, but a good 9% of voters selected "Less than 4 inches" or "4-5 inches". It seems the studies don't capture the variance of the distribution very well. Or ppl are lying?
I just realized one possibility for the large variance of this poll's data is that some people might be answering in bone-pressed and some in non-bone-pressed. Some at the lower end likely reported their NBP erect and I can bet that some at the higher end chose to report their BP erect.
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I'm guessing there are liars in the poll. Using one of the most generous studies on penis length, Vasoconcelos (mean BP stretched (SD)- 6.54 (0.67)), I found 8 inches should be the top 1.5% of the distribution. However, a good 10% of people chose 8+ inches. What's more is that 5-inchers should be only 1 percent, but a good 9% of voters selected "Less than 4 inches" or "4-5 inches". It seems the studies don't capture the variance of the distribution very well. Or ppl are lying?
Dudes lying about the size of their dick?
  • Haha
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I just realized one possibility for the large variance of this poll's data is that some people might be answering in bone-pressed and some in non-bone-pressed. Some at the lower end likely reported their NBP erect and I can bet that some at the higher end chose to report their BP erect.
Or... like I said before about survivorship bias and other factors that skew data... You're on a forum literally for guys with big dicks. So maybe the data will show guys with big dicks.

Much like if I took a survey/poll for height at an NBA locker room and found a higher than average height.

Or average salary at a hedge fund corporation and a much higher than average salary.

Understand where I'm coming from? I say this just to inform you of things that can skew your literal worldview.
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