just finished the Barbados yacht cruise, n cock-blocked n teased by not getting to fuck a hot black girl once
again...Christina's friend Gina; seriously??
FINALLY gets to fuck a black girl!!!

after 14 chapters...sheezsh! n her slutty-looking blond manager should've come in n joined the party! MORE PLEASE!!
but i do need help with something...i'm at the Barbados Sat nite, w/the 3 main sex choices; yet there's been so many girls introduced at the resort that are apparently not gonna be involved in any h-scenes: Tamara (thought for sure she would've been, since she's been in the story all week), Tabitha (another missed ebony opportunity), Gina (as previously mentioned), Brandy (on the yacht), Daisy n Lydia (dau takes mom on vaca for her 40th b-day), Kassandra n Aidan (from the pool bar), n Kellie (who's there w/her unseen sister...SISTERS!!). so then why give them dialogue n choice options if can't do anything with them? n that doesn't even include the 3 girls on the beach that Anne asks the MC about, n u can choose all 3 w/the cheat mod, n get a "+1" for each of them...why if there's no further scenes w/them?
it was bugging me earlier that a number of other girls in the game also made appearances, but seemed to have been forgotten about, n MC never got a chance to be with...but i figured, n was holding out hope, that they could make re-appearances, like Ryan n Nicole did, after long absences. so since i'm on the topic of "forgotten" girls, i'm
BEGGING the dev n writer(s) to have the following girls make future appearances: ELENA (duh!!), Naomi (???), Sally (David's black wife from Kelsey's party), Cynthia (1st cafe barista), Karen (blond girl playing chicken in the pool at Gary n Abby's pool party), n Layla (Donny's gf). n since the 2 guys from the 1st vaca that Anne had a 3-way with reappeared in Barbados, what about Caroline, the wife of the newlywed couple w/the black hubby, that the MC tag-teamed from the 1st vaca?
i'm (hopefully) assuming that the more recently introduced girls before the Barbados vacation will still be involved: Gescina (neighbor), Hannah (dentist), Carla (lawyer), Vanessa (Angelika's sister, from the beach), Gabriella (clothing store), n Kimmy n Sophia (cafe customer n barista just before Barbados vaca). n speaking of recent girls, such as Aunt Mandy, Alexa, and the 2 sisters from the beach, getting some 3-way (or more) incest h-scenes going would be truly
EPIC...not trying to beg the dev/writer(s) for something they're not interested in, since they've already created related characters n choice stats regarding them. n so many possible scenarios already built-in to the storyline, thanks to the dev n writer(s)...
- Aunt Mandy, Alexa, MC
- Martin, Alexa, MC
- Josie, Anne, MC
- Josie, Anne, Eric
- MC, Abby, Luke
- Gary, Victoria, MC (again!)
- Angelika, Vanessa, MC
- Maryanne, Christina, MC
- Lydia, Daisy, MC