Pun Memes
- Опубликовано: 18 мар 2025
- Pun Memes
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Merry Go - Distressed by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. creativecommon...
Bushwick Tarantella by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. creativecommon...
"you know, the fact that I loved these memes means I'll be a good dad one day so, uhh, ya know, subscribe to the channel and maybe I'll do that... I guess..."
>>"Nevermind, you guys are all my children"
damn bruh! I think that last one was my favorite joke
Those kids were fast as lightning
In fact, it was a little bit frightening
@@Prehistoricman7263are u sure ur refrigerator isn’t running
@@joelng217better go catch it 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥
Puns and memes, one of the greatest dynamic duos in history.
0:45 this hitted me with my childhood.
“Defeat the baby” got me rolling 😂😂
Me too
0:25 What’s even more confusing is that someone from the Netherlands is Dutch.
I am dutch.....
@ yeah me too, but that “the Netherlands” and “Dutch” sound nothing alike.
2:59 the Watermen were people who would drive people in small boats across the Thames river, which used to be faster than the bridges
The fact he said we are all his children is funny and sweet
0:56 Why is this so funny?!
9:00 got me rolling on the floor
7:05 Well making it must have been very tire-ing
3:38 the name's chess,chess BALLS 😂😅
Me:tells a shower thought
Teacher behind me: wEll iTS BeCauSE-
9:47 his paws are sweaty, tail weak, nose is heavy, there’s vomit in his dog bed already, is that my spaghetti?
Me: watching animaniacs
6 ½ hours later
Me: I think that's enough pun-ishment 😉
Dang, that’s a pretty good pun
0:15 Guess that also makes people from Peru Perish
0:11 So a person from Philippines is Phi 😂
"it's for good caws" 😂
1:17 looks more of a gerald tbh
Nah more of an alfredo
Asking for geometry dash memes: Day 1
this is the first day 1 thingys i've seen
robtop savage tweets
@@melonstuff9creativealready exists
"Spy A! Spy B! Spy C?" 😂
Spy D 😏
Huh I don't get it
For mozarella and theres a joke in france:
mozarella is pronouced like mozart est là wich means mozart is here
So you can say "school said mozart was dead but when i oppened my fridge mozarella"
" Spidddde" got me
What do cows use in maths? A COWculator
Stop just stop
@@MIhran-vc7br Sorry but no
Correct, we are your children and you’re the dad telling us infinite dad jokes
0:48 pink panther liked that
10:56 petition to change the atomic symbol for Mercury to Ao
no one knows how much I LOVE puns
2:46 this one is actually funny
1:09 that’s a stink bug
1:37 expialnd my classes humor...
I’m not americandic, I’m mobiandic
Maybe that makes me a Pacific United Statesian
Same here!
4:11 where’s Mario when we need him
9:57 this is funnier than the meme itself
8:30 a crowfunding campaign
This vid made me laugth so much no cap.
7:17 POV : The tv is broken
I have Snaccidents too often
I think I found leaked footage of kung fu panda 5 0:57
2:32 ship-ception
facts snakes used to have legs
dad:you have a mild fever
son: WHAT
dad:1 mile=1day
You know, sans will love this video, by the way I love your videos!😁😆😍 dumbas you are awesome my dude!
“thanks dad”
“Ofc dad”
1:09 if its name is dave then wheres jack 😔
1:17 shout out to Dave
Ahh I love your vids keep up the good work man :)
Ah yes these memes are full of puns
for the first meme: if only he knew what the people from Netherlands are called
Pigilins 🗿
@@Ibrahimnahali pinglins lolllll
in minecraft, yes.
in the real world, people from netherlands are called dutch
i searched it up. it was netherlandic. but basing off the guy above me it prob dutch
i didn't do that much research
@@VolcanicAshius wait, lemme search rq
5:22 naw the cat is cooking
US BEE realy did it for me🤣
8:45, we are missing pyradown and pyraup, then the pyraddition will be compyraplete.
The end bro called us his kids
i love his videos
11:00 yeah 👍🏼 you may become the greatest dad with good humour
Only real ones remember when dumbas refused to change his website layout and almost "cooked" in that RG33 vid😂😊
3:06 how many babies do u got
8:26 so funny haha😂
That table must have been tiring to make
I guess I have a dad who isn't mean now! let's gooo!
4:49 oh my god
Can u explain what is happening
I don’t get it
@@Planeguy665 sink mayo
@@Faker-freddyI still don’t get it, could you please explain further?
@@MrTwisterNo2 sigma yo
Dave the insect
For people who dont understand in 2:48 IV means 4 in roman then it turned V and thats 5 in roman
IKR just saying
Pun=Fun 😂😂 change my mind
7:30 I want this shower. Period.
The green insect is a green shield bug
6:04 lol i like spider-man
0:01 hello timed comment users
8:59 My brother showed me that meme lol
Defeat the baby
The fact that it's day 145 of asking for Undertale/Deltarune memes fills you with DETERMINATION.
The power of the sentence above shines within you.
Sans would be proud
the first one....
_when your text are italic:_
10:53 i need this
Under 1 hour
Under an hour
Me barely
Nice memes
Which type of snake is best at maths? An Adder
10:08 error 404
What starts with "e" and ends with "e" and has 1 letter in it?
Hint: not "e"
@@Michael_on_yt1 you already knew this joke didn't ye?
Noooooooooooooooooo. maybe
tip... finger.... AHHH
where are all Sanses?
I won.
0:08 my country
Thailand or england?
Wait hold o...
Day 11 of asking for memes that make the FBI go after you
6:00 oh and it will always be
Say it
Asking for slavic memes day 1
Uh, the rolling wood is a food making tool with a name in hindi, बेल्ना
Asking for the walking dead memes day 1
lol the first one (GUYS IM TAKING ABOUT THE MEME)
I was first
He meant the first meme guys
Guys he/she meant the first meme
Guys he/she meant the first meme
But why is no one talking about how we got rickrolled from 8:24 to 8:27?
Wood it bite tho 9:11
nah thats a pun idk what to ttype so hafve a good time
XDD 5:22
When I liked the video it had 666 likes.Should I be worried?
can you do food memes or drink memes
Here in 40 minutes gang 👇👈
*Error 404 Snack Not Found* 10:05
3:05 who won?